
Workflows for Bazel Configuration

Workflow configuration file use YAML syntax, and must be stored in your repository under .fasterci/config.yaml name. The file must define a single object called workflows consisting of a list of workflows configured like this:

  - name: bazel CI
  # Define bazel CI workflow here
  - name: gitops
  # Define gitops workflow here

workflows item fields

Key Required Type Description
name Y String Name of the workflow
image N String Docker image to run the workflow
on Y Map Use on to define which events can cause the workflow to run. See on section below
env N Map Map of environment variables in "NAME" : "VALUE" format
secrets N Array List of secrets to mount as environment variables. Secrets should be defined using secrets UI
hide_from_github N Boolean Do not report the result of this workflow to GitHub check.
steps Y Array List of steps to execute. See steps section below
cleanup N String Optional cleanup step, for example git clean -ffdx
max_parallel N Integer Maximum number of parallel workflow runs
ephemeral N Boolean If set to true, the workflow will be executed in a fresh ephemeral instance that will be disposed after the run. This is useful for workflows that are not benefiting from the saved state. This flag is true by default for workflows that do not define any bazel step


Use on to define which events can cause the workflow to run. At least one of the push, pull_request keys should be defined. If Both are defined, the workflow run will be triggered if any of the conditions match.

Key Required Type Description
push N Map Run the workflow on push to a branch or tag. See push section below
pull_request N Map Run the workflow on pull request See pull_request section below


Use push to define branch masks or tag masks to trigger the workflow run. Masks are doublestar aka globstar: **.

Key Required Type Description
branches N Array List of branch masks
tags N Array List of tag masks
branches-ignore N Array List of branch masks to ignore even if they match branches masks
tags-ignore N Array List of tag masks to ignore even if they match tags masks


  - name: bazel CI
          - 'feature/**'
          - 'release/**'
  - name: gitops
          - 'release/v*'


Use pull_request to define branch masks to trigger the forkflow run on pull request opened or updated.

Key Required Type Description
branches Y Array List of branch masks
paths N Array List of file masks to trigger the workflow run if any of the files in the pull request matches the masks
branches-ignore N Array List of branch masks to ignore even if they match branches masks
paths-ignore N Array List of file masks to ignore even if they match paths masks


  - name: bazel CI
          - main


A map of environment variables that are available to the steps of the workflow.


  USE_BAZEL_VERSION: "5.1.1" #Tell bazelisk to use specific version of bazel

steps Item

steps is a list of steps to execute sequentially. Each step can run a shell command or define a bazel specific step to run bazel build or test commands. Either run or bazel should be specified. Optionally it is possible to configure a step to be reported as a separate check in GitHub.

Key Required Type Description
name N String Name of the step. It should be set if github_check is used
working-directory N String directory to run commands. Default is the repository root
github_check N Boolean Report the result of the step as a separate github check. name field should be also defined
github_check_md_file N String After completing the step, report it as a separate Github Check, using the content of the file as the report body in md format. The file could be generated as a result of the step execution
run N String Arbitrary command execution; Could be multiline
bazel N Map Bazel step, see bazel section below
side_effects N Boolean Side effects step is anything that may change the state not related to building from the source tree or tests execution. Think of publishing artifacts, sending notifications etc.


      # run go vet in go subdirectory and report result as a separate GitHub check
      - name: go vet
        github_check: true
        working-directory: go
        run: go vet ./pkg/...
      - name: bazel build and tests
          build_targets: //...
          test_targets: //...
      # configure ssh credentials for github deploy key, run a `bazel run` command that would execute a gitops step from [rules_gitops] and submit a pull request
      - name: Create gitops PRs
        run: | #multiline command
          mkdir /root/.ssh
          echo "$GIT_RW_DEPLOY_KEY" > /root/.ssh/id_rsa
          chmod 400 /root/.ssh/id_rsa
          ssh-keyscan github.com > ~/.ssh/known_hosts
          git config --global user.email "devops@fasterci.com"
          git config --global user.name "GitopsBot"
          bazel run @rules_gitops//gitops/prer:create_gitops_prs -- \
            --release_branch=main \
            --bazel_cmd=bazel \
            --workspace=$(pwd) \
            --target="//manifests/..." \
            --git_repo=git@github.com:fasterci/fasterci.git \
            --gitops_pr_into=main \
            --branch_name=main \
            --git_commit=$(git rev-parse HEAD) \
            --git_server=github \
            --github_repo_owner=fasterci \
            --github_repo=fasterci \


The bazel step is designed to run bazel builds or tests. Implementation of this step greatly reduces the run time relying on reproducibility and cache capabilities of bazel. At least one (or both) of build_targets or test_targets should be defined. Additional command line flags could be specified using build_flags and test_flags.

bazel fields

Key Required Type Description
build_targets N Array List of bazel targets to build
test_targets N Array List of bazel targets to test
build_flags N Array Build flags to use in addition to those defined in /etc/bazel.bazelrc and .bazelrc
test_flags N Array Test flags to use in addition to those defined in /etc/bazel.bazelrc and .bazelrc


      - name: bazel test
            - "//..."
            - "--test_tag_filters=-e2e,-examples"
            - //...


The Side Effects step is anything that may change the state not related to building from the source tree or tests execution. Think of publishing artifacts, sending notifications, etc. The Side Effects step should be used only if strictly necessary, as it will disable several important optimizations, such as parallelism, optimistic execution, instance preheat, bazel cache preheat etc. Steps marked as side_effects will be executed sequentially, and will not be retried in case of certain retriable errors.

Real world examples: